Quickie Link [1]: It's the Morality, Stupid --by Ann Rostow [2]

By : Kyleovision on Mar 23, 2007 - 06:05 AM
GeneralNews [3]
Let me defend HRC, an organization that from time to time has outraged me by its lack of courage and by its short-term strategic thinking. First, it’s not that rich. In fact, the far right has mega-millions more than all our gay rights groups put together. We need cash pouring into all of our institutions, from wherever we can get it. No one is forced to give money to HRC. The guys at the black tie dinners are not gullible. They are contributing to our community.
Second, I might exaggerate my membership numbers if I was a D.C. lobbying group. Membership numbers translate into clout.

Third, much of what HRC does is defensive, particularly since 1994 when the Democrats lost Congress. As for partisanship, while moderate Republicans should be aggressively lobbied, it’s a simple fact that Democratic majorities in state legislatures and in Congress lead to progress on gay issues. The reason we’re in bad shape in Washington is because we’ve spent a dozen years under GOP control. Nor do I agree with Kramer that this is the worst shape we’ve ever been in. (On the other hand, I do agree with Kramer elsewhere in his interview when he points out that comparisons to the past are irrelevant. Today is what counts.)

That’s it for the defense, because I could also join in a lot of the condemnation. HRC should put much more pressure on Democratic candidates and avoid sucking up to Hillary Clinton at this early stage of the campaign. Their namby pamby press releases are worse than no response at all. They should take a lesson from Matt Foreman over at the Task Force. And why are they holding a closed door “invitation only” forum with Executive Director Joe Solmonese in San Francisco this week?

Read the rest in the San Francisco Bay Times [4]
  [1] https://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&catid=5&lead=1
  [2] https://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=833&lead=1
  [3] https://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&catid=&topic=1&lead=1
  [4] http://www.sfbaytimes.com/?sec=article&article_id=6222