Quickie Link [1]: Argentine Gay Couple Defies Country's Civil Union Ban [2]

By : vanrozenheim on Jan 22, 2008 - 12:00 AM
EqualMarriage [3]
(Argentine) - Denied the chance to marry in Argentina, two Gay activists traveled to Spain to tie the knot on Monday. Once home from their honeymoon, they plan to campaign for legal recognition for their marriage in Argentina. “It's not going to be easy. ... But we're already married, Spain recognizes us,” Cesar Cigliutti, president of the Argentine Homosexual Community, told The Associated Press from Madrid. “We want Argentina to recognize us as well.” Cigliutti and Marcelo Suntheim were able to wed because Suntheim has dual citizenship in Argentina and Germany – allowing him to marry within the European Union. Spain began allowing same-sex marriages in 2005, granting Gay couples the same rights as heterosexual ones to marry, adopt children and inherit each other's property.

Note: Read more on Sign On San Diego [4]
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  [1] https://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&catid=5&lead=1
  [2] https://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2330&lead=1
  [3] https://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&catid=&topic=3&lead=1
  [4] http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/20080121-1152-argentina-gaymarriage.html
  [5] https://gayrepublic.org/user.php