Quickie Link [1]: Lenient Sentence for Severe Beating of Transsexual [2]

By : vanrozenheim on Aug 01, 2007 - 11:10 PM
Arrests [3]
(USA) - The man who severely beat a preoperative transsexual woman on Palm Beach was sentenced to four and a half months of probation. Palm Beach County Juvenile Court Judge Peter Blanc rejected recommendations from prosecutors and the Department of Juvenile Justice, who said the assaulter was likely to commit more crimes and should be locked in a high-security residential program. The teenager initially left, then went back and beat the victim so severely that she was covered in blood, lost teeth and was taken to the hospital. The father of the violent teenager was outraged that prosecutors did not charge the woman for sexual contact with a 17-year-old, a second-degree felony in Florida.

Note: Read more on Palm Beach Post [4]
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  [4] http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/local_news/epaper/2007/08/31/s3c_sentencing_0831.html
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