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Topic: Editorial_2

The new items published under this topic are as follows.
Feb 17, 2008# Editorial: I Love Peter Tatchell
Editorial_2 I love Peter Tatchell. He’s one of only a few real, living Gay heroes currently on the scene in Britain. Larry Kramer is perhaps his American counterpart. But just as Kramer is oftentimes gloriously blunt in his proclamations, Mr. Tatchell’s latest is maddeningly wedded to a wrongheaded ideal of just what a “post-homophobic society” would (or ought to) look like.

Sep 02, 2007# Quickie Link: Why I Admire Larry Kramer
Editorial_2 While I agree with much of what Larry Kramer has to say, I often find his anger off-putting. He defended it, saying today, “Anger is one of the greatest emotions there is. Anger is as useful as love. Learn to use it.” I will agree that there is often much wisdom in anger. After all, the Greeks had a deity, Nemesis, who represented the quality of righteous indignation. And there is much that is righteous in Larry Kramer’s indignation. Even where I disagree with Larry Kramer, I find some common ground. For like us, he relishes in taking on the Gay establishment. He may not always be right, but he does always speak from the heart. And we Gay men would be wise to listen. Even if we don’t always take his advice.
# Note: Read more on gaypatriot.net

Aug 11, 2007# Editorial: The Banality of Evil
Editorial_2 The news of the remarks made by the Italian politician Giancarlo Gentilini, calling for the "ethnic cleansing" of homosexuals from the city of Treviso come as no big surprise. Not because the remarks were uttered by a genuine fascist known for his insanity, but because they reflect a state of mind which is more frequent than some "post-Gay" homosexuals comfort themselves to believe. This state of mind is determined by the light-hearted readiness to commit murder for the sole purpose as to get rid of a minor nuisance. Mind you, this remarks were made in a country where people get arrested for nothing more than kissing in front of the colosseum... Gives one to think.

Aug 01, 2007# Commentary: Fortieth Anniversary of Legal Gay Sex?
Editorial_2 There have been ‘celebrations’ in the past week to mark the 40th anniversary of the what has been described as “the decriminalisation of homosexuality” in England and Wales. It was on July 27, 1967, that the Sexual Offences Act received the Royal Assent. But this Act only partially decriminalised homosexuality. “Many people assume that the 1967 Sexual Offences Act legalised homosexuality – it didn’t,” says Peter Tatchell, the gay human rights activist from Outrage! “The pre-1967 laws against gay sex – Sections 12 and 13 of the 1956 Sexual Offences Act – were never repealed and they remained on the statute books until either1997 or 2003,” he pointed out.

Apr 16, 2007# Quickie Link: Our Prejudices, Ourselves -- by Harvey Fierstein
Editorial_2 America is watching Don Imus’s self-immolation in a state of shock and awe. And I’m watching America with wry amusement. Since I’m a second-class citizen — a gay man — my seats for the ballgame of American discourse are way back in the bleachers. I don’t have to wait long for a shock jock or stand-up comedian to slip up with hateful epithets aimed at me and mine. Hate speak against homosexuals is as commonplace as spam. It’s daily traffic for those who profess themselves to be regular Joes, men of God, public servants who live off my tax dollars, as well as any number of celebrities.

Apr 16, 2007# Quickie Link: An Exhausted Gay American -- by Richard Rothstein
Editorial_2 Some mornings, before I've even finished my coffee and reading the first news reports of the day, I feel exhaustion for no other reason than the fact that I'm a gay American. I wonder if my fellow citizens who spend their days campaigning and crusading to limit my civil rights - the civil rights that they themselves take for granted - ever consider the inhumanity and irrationality of what they do? And I wonder if the millions of Americans who stand by apathetically and allow this travesty to play out with each passing day ever consider the emotional anguish they are deliberately or carelessly causing to millions of children, teenagers and adults?

Apr 09, 2007# Quickie Link: Finding The Sad Stories --by Deb Price
Editorial_2 Call him the story finder. Since graduating from Michigan State University, award-winning journalist Joel Engardio has tracked down compelling stories for ABC television's "20/20," the Los Angeles Times and his own documentary.... Now Engardio's assignment is finding stories that convey the pain of anti-gay or anti-transgender job bias. The Democratic takeover of Congress means the Employment Non-Discrimination Act has a strong shot at passing.

Apr 06, 2007# Quickie Link: U of Chicago: Gay Rights & the 3rd Way
Editorial_2 Legal recognition of same-sex relationships is a central issue in the so-called culture wars. Happily, for those of us who support the legal recognition of such relationships, there is now compelling evidence of a real shift in public attitudes. A recent study by The Third Way Culture Project, headed by Rachel Laser (J.D. '95), reveals "a general national warming trend on issues relating to gays and lesbians."

Apr 05, 2007# Profile: John Amaechi & the Silence of the NBA
Editorial_2 "I'm going up to my room for some of my own fresh Earl Grey. I can't stand the hotel's." Never before have I interviewed a pro athlete who referred to himself as a "tea snob." But then again, John Amaechi is hardly the typical ex-jock, and his newfound existence as "the first former professional basketball player to be openly gay" has little to do with it.

Apr 03, 2007# Quickie Link: The Education of Terry McMillan --by Keith Boykin
Editorial_2 It was just a few weeks ago when we learned that author Terry McMillan was suing her ex-husband Jonathan Plummer for $40 million. Now she's in the news again, this time after an interview in New York magazine where she says she's not homophobic. "I'm really getting tired of the fact that people get upset that I use the F-word [Eds.: she means the word 'fag', and she's not usually so coy] to refer to Jonathan... It was the only weapon that I have," she said.

Apr 02, 2007# Quickie Link: Strength In Numbers --by Deb Price
Editorial_2 If you want to begin to understand the influence of data miner Gary Gates, go to the Google search engine and type in "65,000 + gay." Oodles and oodles of news stories, press releases and commentaries will pop up, citing 65,000 as the estimated number of gay men and lesbians now serving in the U.S. military.

Apr 02, 2007# Quickie Link: All We Want Is Equal Treatment --by Harvey Fierstein
Editorial_2 For years, the right wing has wrongly accused the gay movement of seeking special rights. At no time has our struggle for equal rights been more transparent than in the fight to legalize marriage for gays and lesbians. Those who push civil unions as a solution to the dilemma sicken me. To offer civil unions to some citizens and marriage to others is simply un-American. The only way to advocate for civil unions is to concurrently abolish marriage for all. Our rule of law has been interpreted as "separate but equal is not equal." How much more simply do you need the law explained?

Mar 31, 2007# Quickie Link: Danger At Every Turn --by Peter Tatchell
Editorial_2 Hasan Sabeh was a happy, talented 34-year-old transgender fashion designer, affectionately known as Tamara. He lived in the al-Mansor district of Baghdad. Two months ago, he was tending his fashion accessories stall in a street market. Out of the blue, an Islamist death squad, wearing Iraqi police uniforms, seized Tamara. They stripped off his clothes in the street and, discovering that he was a man dressed as a woman, shot him dead.

Mar 31, 2007# Commentary: Come Together: The Anti-gay US-Latvian Axis
Editorial_2 (By Kārlis Streips) (Riga) - Once again we can prove to ourselves that religious extremists do not live in our world, they live in some parallel world which they alone are aware of. It has been reported that the noisy structure known as “New Generation” invited an American called Kenneth Hutcherson to visit. Hutcherson presented himself very grandly: “I am here as a representative of the White House,” he said at a New Generation Event.

Mar 30, 2007# Quickie Link: Righting Wrongs --by Brian Whittaker
Editorial_2 Earlier this week, largely unnoticed by the world's media, an international panel of experts - judges, professors and the like - presented a document to the UN human rights council, which is currently in session in Geneva. The document, known as the Yogyakarta Principles (after the place where the experts met to draft it), was immediately hailed by Human Rights Watch as "groundbreaking" and "a milestone". In a way, its contents were both simple and obvious but also, in another way, almost revolutionary.

Mar 27, 2007# Quickie Link: Gay Elders' Courage --by Richard Rothstein
Editorial_2 Edith, a Mexican-American woman, came out in 1946 Los Angeles at the age of 14. When her mother denied the young teen the clothes she wanted, Edith took a job cleaning other poeple's homes so that she could buy herself slacks and shirts and dress herself in a way that said "this is who I am."

Mar 26, 2007# Quickie Link: Jamaica's Police Shame --by Peter Tatchell
Editorial_2 The on-going Jamaican police investigation into the tragic murder of Pakistan's cricket coach, Bob Woolmer, has shown that the island's constabulary is capable of taking violent crime seriously - when it wants to. Kingston is one of the murder capitals of the world. Most of the victims are poor. Police inquiries are often perfunctory. The killers are rarely bought to trial. The chances of getting justice in Jamaica are even lower if you are gay. Homophobic violence is widespread on the island; fuelled by the anti-gay hatred that is daily spewed from church pulpits, newspaper columns, dancehall music and radio stations.