Quickie Link [1]: Judge Orders a Florida School to Allow a Gay Tolerance Club [2]

By : vanrozenheim on Apr 08, 2007 - 02:12 AM
GeneralNews [3]
(Miami, USA) - A south-central Florida high school accused of discrimination must officially recognize a student club that works to promote tolerance of gay men and lesbians, and grant it the same privileges as other school clubs, while a lawsuit takes its course in federal court, a judge ordered Friday. The lawsuit, filed in November by the American Civil Liberties Union, said officials at Okeechobee High School refused to recognize the club, the Gay-Straight Alliance, and banned its members from holding meetings on school grounds.

Note: Read full article on NY Times [4]
  [1] http://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&catid=5&lead=1
  [2] http://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=953&lead=1
  [3] http://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&catid=&topic=1&lead=1
  [4] http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/07/us/07gay.html?_r=1&oref=slogin