News [1]: UK: Last-Minute Challenge To Gay Rights Regs [2]

By : Kyleovision on Mar 19, 2007 - 08:33 PM
Politics [3]
(UK) - A solitary British Baroness is making one final effort to block implementation of new government rules meant to stop anti-gay discrimination. According to the Telegraph newspaper, Baroness O'Cathain has introduced a resolution in the House of Lords that condemns the proposed rules, taking up the cause of Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and other religious leaders who say that the law is a threat to those sects' adoption services.

The regulations will likely face a final vote in early April. They're set to take effect April 6th.

Baroness O'Cathain has a history of voting against measures that would ensure gay people's rights in the Lords. In recent years, she has voted against Civil Unions and gay adoption rights. [4]
