Quickie Link [1]: Court Refuses to Suspend Dress Code in Case of Anti-Gay T-shirt [2]

By : vanrozenheim on Mar 06, 2007 - 10:19 PM
GeneralNews [3]
(USA) - The U.S. Supreme Court refused Monday to suspend a dress code at a suburban San Diego high school that was challenged by a student who wore a T-shirt with anti-gay language. Tyler Chase Harper sued the Poway Unified School District in 2004 to overturn a policy calling for schools to reduce or prevent "hate behavior," including threats and attacks based on sexual orientation. Harper had been pulled from class for wearing a T-shirt that read, "Homosexuality is shameful" on the front and, "Be ashamed. Our school has embraced what God has condemned," on the back. His lawsuit claimed the policy violated his rights to freedom of speech and religion.

Note: Read full article on www.kpbs.org [4]
  [1] http://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&catid=5&lead=1
  [2] http://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=672&lead=1
  [3] http://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&catid=&topic=1&lead=1
  [4] http://www.kpbs.org/news/local?id=7571