Quickie Link [1]: Spanish Conservatives Would Eliminate Gay Rights [2]

By : vanrozenheim on Feb 11, 2008 - 09:31 PM
Enemy_Voice [3]
(Spain) - The Spanish People's Party candidate for the presidency, Mariano Rajoy, is promising to eliminate homosexual adoptions if he is elected in March, according to Spanish media reports. "In the area of adoption I'm not in agreement. I would change it, yes, I would take the right away from them (homosexual couples)," said Rajoy in an interview yesterday. Regarding the controversial "Education for Citizenship and Human Rights" program, which teaches "pro-homosexual ideology" to children in Spanish elementary schools, Rajoy said he would eliminate it and substitute language and technology classes. "I think that if we are talking about teaching values or principles, that should be studied in all classes," he said.

Note: Read more on Life Site [4]
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  [4] http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2008/feb/08021101.html
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