Quickie Link [1]: Organization Helps Place Gay Foster Kids [2]

By : vanrozenheim on Oct 19, 2007 - 02:36 PM
Youth [3]
(USA) - Many Gay foster teenagers never find a good home. Recognizing the gap in service, foster care agency ChildNet has contracted with the US National Youth Advocate Program (NYAP) to recruit and train foster parents to take in Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender foster children. ''A lot of kids go through an awful lot because of gender identity questions and issues and their needs don't get met in the absence of people who have had experience with those issues,'' said Larry Rein, interim president of ChildNet, which serves about 2,500 children, including about 600 in foster homes. Although Florida bans Gay adults from adopting, the state does allow them to take in foster children.

Note: Read more on Miami Herald [4]
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  [4] http://www.miamiherald.com/467/story/275442.html
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