Quickie Link [1]: Homophobe Ranting in Uganda: Part II [2]

By : vanrozenheim on Sep 12, 2007 - 01:57 PM
Enemy_Voice [3]
(Uganda) - Dear Mr. Long, Your August 23 letter to President Museveni and press release complaining about Uganda's laws and policies regarding homosexuals contains flawed logic, numerous errors and misrepresentations. In addition, it shows an unacceptable lack of respect for Uganda's culture and values. First you talked about our church, Makerere Community Church, as a recipient of PEPFAR HIV/Aids funding. The fact is that Makerere Community Church has never received funding. And even if we did in the future, getting donor funding in no way obliges us to change our laws and values as a people. We are a proud African race whose faith, values and cultures have been handed down for many generations.

Note: Read more on New Vision [4]
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