Quickie Link [1]: Popping Off: Honest, it's not the sex, it's the lies on the videotape [2]

By : vanrozenheim on Nov 20, 2006 - 01:53 AM
GeneralNews [3]
By now, most of us know the story of Ted Haggard. It turns out that Pastor Haggard is gay -- or, at least, engages in gay sex. The prostitute he hired on a regular basis told us so. Haggard also seems to be a meth user. [..] It's not like he's actor Neil Patrick Harris (the lady-killer on TV's "How I Met Your Mother"), who can casually tell People magazine that he's "a very content gay man," or even Lance Bass, who also recently outed himself and let the world know he's in a stable relationship. Yep, most gay people lead relatively scandal-free lives, never picking up a prostitute or smoking meth. Alas, everyone has a reason for paying attention to the Haggard story, and most of it had to do with his gayness. The Baptist Press ran an editorial saying Haggard should be embraced and forgiven for his hypocrisy, the lesser sin, it seems, when compared to homosexuality.

Note: Read full article on Seatle Post Intelligencer [4]
Popping Off: Honest, it's not the sex, it's the lies on the videotape | Log-in or register a new user account [5] | 0 Comments
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  [4] http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/poppingoff/292794_popping18.html?source=mypi
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