Homophobic law proposal refused by Latvian parliament [1]

By : VZ on Sep 09, 2006 - 08:46 AM
GeneralNews [2]
Lawmakers in Latvia on Thursday rejected a bill that sought to ban "homosexual propaganda" in the mass media, Agence France-Presse reports. The populist Latvia First Party had prepared draft amendments to laws that govern what the media can and cannot do. The measures would have made it illegal to publish articles about or interviews with gays and lesbians in which they talk about their lives or gay rights.
Lawmakers in Latvia on Thursday rejected a bill that sought to ban "homosexual propaganda" in the mass media, Agence France-Presse reports. The populist Latvia First Party had prepared draft amendments to laws that govern what the media can and cannot do. The measures would have made it illegal to publish articles about or interviews with gays and lesbians in which they talk about their lives or gay rights.

The changes were necessary to "ensure that the mass media do not weaken the role of the family institution, do not split society, and do not create a misconception about a group of individuals claiming special treatment due to their beliefs," the party said in a statement.

Media analyst Anda Rozukalne said the proposed amendments went against Latvian and international law, speculating that the Latvia First Party was trying to tap into homophobia in the Baltic state, which it saw as a vote-getter for next month's general election.

"Latvia First believes that homophobia is a mother lode that will help them to attract more voters," Rozukalne told AFP.

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