Quickie Link [1]: Bishop Accuses Gays of Causing Floods in UK [2]

By : vanrozenheim on Jul 01, 2007 - 11:20 PM
Religion [3]
(UK) - The floods that have devastated swathes of the country are God's judgment on the immorality and greed of modern society, according to senior Church of England bishops. One diocesan bishop has even claimed that laws that have undermined marriage, including the introduction of pro-gay legislation, have provoked God to act by sending the storms that have left thousands of people homeless. While those who have been affected by the storms are innocent victims, the bishops argue controversially that the flooding is a result of Western civilisation's decision to ignore biblical teaching. The Rt Rev Graham Dow, Bishop of Carlisle, argued that the floods are not just a result of a lack of respect for the planet, but also a judgment on society's moral decadence.

Note: Read full article on Telegraph [4]
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  [4] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/07/01/nflood201.xml
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