New scheme for gay youth [1]

By : vanrozenheim on Nov 14, 2006 - 12:31 PM
GeneralNews [2]
(Londonderry, UK) - The Rainbow Project in Londonderry is set to launch a gay youth scheme in the city. The LADZ Out Youth Project will run every Wednesday from November 29, from 5pm to 8pm at the Rainbow Project's local office at 12A Queen Street.
The project is aimed at young men aged 25 and under, who identify as gay or bisexual or who are questioning their sexual orientation.

Rainbow Project founder Sean Morrin said: "The project is aimed at creating a safe space for these young people, where they can take part in many activities and projects such as art, drama, outdoor pursuits as well as educational workshops and training.

"It is designed to increase the young people's skills, self-esteem and confidence levels."
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