Quickie Link [1]: Falwell Was GOP's Prophet of Intolerance [2]

By : vanrozenheim on May 20, 2007 - 11:25 PM
GeneralNews [3]
(USA) - By the time of his death last week, Jerry Falwell had become a caricature, a victim of his egomania and verbal excesses. The organization he founded in 1979, the Moral Majority, had long since disbanded and his name had become associated with right-wing dogma. He will be remembered as much for his ridiculous pronouncements - such as blaming gays and feminists, among others, for the 9/11 attacks - as for anything else. Nevertheless, his influence on American politics has, sadly, been profound. He and his fellow theocrats have created a climate of intolerance for diversity, distrust of science and disrespect for the wall of separation between church and state.

Note: Read full article on www.ajc.com [4]
  [1] http://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&catid=5&lead=1
  [2] http://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1228&lead=1
  [3] http://gayrepublic.org/index.php?name=News&catid=&topic=1&lead=1
  [4] http://www.ajc.com/opinion/content/opinion/tucker/stories/2007/05/19/0520edtuck.html