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Open Forum - No fags, no faith...

Rain - Sep 21, 2007 - 11:41 PM
Post subject: No fags, no faith...
The openly gay Bishop of New Hampshire, the man many people believe is the cause of the current schism in the Anglican Communion, has claimed that the Church of England would come close to shutting down if it was forced to manage without gay clergy.

Bur really...doesn't this apply to most religions? Fags do form the backbone of most religious traditions I'm personally familiar with.

Feral - Sep 22, 2007 - 01:18 PM
Post subject: RE: No fags, no faith...
Now if only these Gay clergy could see their way clear to forming their own Gay church or denomination.

This impulse to belong to something straight at any and all costs just is not healthy. This peculiar form of threat -- the C of E might have to close if it abandoned its Gay clergy with any vigor -- is just weird.

Here's the thing about threats... they are nothing but empty and petulant words if you have neither the will nor the power to take them from the realm of linguistics to the realm of actions.

Show me something, Bishop. Do a little magic trick for me... create a Gay Anglican Communion and see what you can do about patching up some of my people.

Otherwise, I suggest the fake straight boy just shut up. He's beginning to sound like a fool to me (and I'm on his side)... imagine, if you will, how his bluster sounds from the other side of that line in the sand.
Rain - Sep 22, 2007 - 10:41 PM
Post subject: RE: No fags, no faith...
No matter what they do, they will never get away with rewriting Leviticus 20:13.

No religion that calls for the extermination of your people is worth belonging to. And no god that calls for your demise is worth worshiping!
vanrozenheim - Sep 23, 2007 - 01:42 AM
Post subject: RE: No fags, no faith...
Oh, but Leviticus 20:13 is only a small sweet part in that book. I love the passage about crossing Jordan the most. Those God allegedly told his chosen people to exterminate every man, every woman and every child and have no mercy with anybody - becaue he, the God, has told them so. What a lovely creature this God must be. Discussing the evident contradictions of their theory with Christians leads inevitably to statements like "I am not as arrogant as you to assume I can judge God's actions -- who knows what divine plans he might have had by doing such things?" The churches do professional work in implanting mental stoppers to those poor children of religious parents, and they often grow up unable to think and act independently. But what can one do? We all have our mill stones around our necks - those are theirs.
Rain - Sep 23, 2007 - 01:54 AM
Post subject: RE: No fags, no faith...
vanrozenheim wrote:
"I am not as arrogant as you to assume I can judge God's actions -- who knows what divine plans he might have had by doing such things?"

Yes, this is the "I'll just stick my head up my ass" excuse. It's the same excuse Sister Mary of the Bleeding Eyeballs gave me when I asked her about the ancestry of Cain's wife.
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