Gay Republic Daily

Open Forum - How the '[NY] Post' Keeps Gays Out of the Newsroom

Kyleovision - Sep 21, 2007 - 04:36 AM
Post subject: How the '[NY] Post' Keeps Gays Out of the Newsroom
How do gay employees of the New York Post feel about working at an institution that portrays homosexuals as a bunch of whiny, effeminate sodomites? Is the newsroom as uncomfortable a place for them as the paper's frequent gay-baiting might suggest?

I figured the best way to answer these questions would be to ask some of the Post's prominent gay writers and editors. Unfortunately, I hit a snag: There aren't any.


So I changed tacks. I called up the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association to see if there have been any complaints about discriminatory hiring or treatment of workers at the Post. That was when I found my first gay Postie. His name is Eric Hegedus, and he's a page designer. He's also the NLGJA's national president.

He told me he couldn't comment. Quite the muscular group, that NLGJA.
Rain - Sep 21, 2007 - 04:49 AM
Post subject: RE: How the
"For most people, you have to turn off a part of your brain when you work there."

Yup...and you have to turn off all of it when you read their newspaper.
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