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Open Forum - Was Condi Rice shacked up with a woman?

berto - Sep 15, 2007 - 05:14 AM
Post subject: Was Condi Rice shacked up with a woman?
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice co-owned a home and shared a line of credit with another woman, according to a new book by Washington Post diplomatic correspondent Glenn Kessler.

According to the book, "The Confidante: Condoleezza Rice and the Creation of the Bush Legacy, "Rice owns a home together with Randy Bean, a documentary filmmaker who once worked with Bill Moyers. Kessler made the discovery by looking through real estate records.

Bean explained the joint ownership and line of credit to Kessler by saying she had medical bills which left her financially drained and Rice helped her by co-purchasing the house along with a third person, Coit Blacker, a Stanford professor who is openly gay. Blacker later sold his line of credit to Rice and Bean.

Rain - Sep 15, 2007 - 10:21 PM
Post subject: RE: Was Condi Rice shacked up with a woman?
Rain's Gaydar: 100%
berto - Sep 16, 2007 - 04:48 AM
Post subject: RE: Was Condi Rice shacked up with a woman?
You once had her as a prof, if I recall correctly, didn't you, Rain?

Are you saying that you pretty much saw this from way back then?
Rain - Sep 20, 2007 - 04:17 AM
Post subject: RE: Was Condi Rice shacked up with a woman?
Rice was NEVER my professor. She never taught at NYU or Hunter College. She taught at Stanford in California. She did visit Hunter College while I was there and we protested so loudly and so massively that her visit was suddenly cut short. She never delivered her speech.

That was a different Hunter College (about 13 years ago). Some odd reason took me to the Upper East Side today. I decided to show my bf Hunter's campus. I strolled around the buildings and went in search of some old student offices to see if by chance there would be some familiar faces (Hunter students have a tendency to lurk around for guy was there for over 20 years.) I found NYPD and ROTC recruiters. I was flabbergasted. We kicked the ROTC out and would have never allow the NYPD in.
Rain - Sep 20, 2007 - 04:20 AM
Post subject: RE: Was Condi Rice shacked up with a woman?
Rice was NEVER my professor. She never taught at NYU or Hunter College. She taught at Stanford in California. She did visit Hunter College while I was there and we protested so loudly and so massively that her visit was suddenly cut short. She never delivered her speech.

That was a different Hunter College (about 13 years ago). Some odd reason took me to the Upper East Side today. I decided to show my bf Hunter's campus. I strolled around the buildings and went in search of some old student offices to see if by chance there would be some familiar faces (Hunter students have a tendency to lurk around for guy was there for over 20 years.) I found NYPD and ROTC recruiters. I was flabbergasted. We kicked the ROTC out and would have never allowed the NYPD in.

Anyway, as far as Rice...I'm saying that I always get "BIG dyke" on the lezzometer attachment on my gaydar whenever she comes on television.
vanrozenheim - Sep 21, 2007 - 04:29 AM
Post subject: RE: Was Condi Rice shacked up with a woman?
If at all, she will certainly come out AFTER the end of her office duties. Then she will write a nice book "Serving America Against The Odds," get her millions and marry a nice white girl in Massachussets, and if they will not die they will live forever. The hundreds of thousands of dead bodies she can account to her policy will hardly cause her nightmares. She is an evil person, serving for a criminal government.
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