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Open Forum - UK: Labour pol used homophobic lies to beat rival

berto - Sep 14, 2007 - 01:31 PM
Post subject: UK: Labour pol used homophobic lies to beat rival
A Labour politician beat a gay Liberal Democrat opponent in a London local election by making homophobic comments about him to voters, a court has heard.

Nicholas Russell told Waltham Forest magistrates his running mate, Miranda Grell, had a "disgusting attitude". He said Ms Grell told voters her rival Barry Smith claimed to be married yet had a 14-year-old Thai boyfriend.

Ms Grell, 29, denies four counts of making false statements about another candidate to gain electoral advantage.


In the final weeks of canvassing, people slammed doors in his face and, after his defeat, he was abused, threatened and spat at, the court heard.

Leyton resident Naomi Robinson told the court she was shocked to hear Ms Grell call Mr Smith a paedophile during the election campaign.

She said: "Miss Grell told me to ask him [Mr Smith] about his 14-year-old boyfriend as she was driving away from the front of the house.

"I was quite shocked actually. I was not sure whether to believe it was true or not."

Feral - Sep 15, 2007 - 07:03 AM
Post subject: RE: UK: Labour pol used homophobic lies to beat rival
four counts of making false statements about another candidate to gain electoral advantage.

What's this? Some sort of indictable offense?

Now there's a thought.
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