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Open Forum - Confession revealed in '77 teenage killling

Feral - Sep 05, 2007 - 08:02 PM
Post subject: Confession revealed in '77 teenage killling
Confession revealed in '77 teenage killling

New details about the 1977 murder -- for 30 years one of the Southland's most compelling unsolved cases -- were revealed at Cook County Juvenile Court Tuesday morning as Rogers, now 46, fought an attempt to have his case transferred to the adult courts.

Rogers, arrested in March this year and charged as a juvenile with first degree murder after three decades on the run in Tennessee and Pennsylvania, is accused of repeatedly stabbing 15-year-old Hellstrom as Hellstrom walked home from his part-time job at a Homewood gas station.


The hearing was continued to Oct. 2, when Rogers' attorney, Richard Hutt, will argue that Rogers should not be transferred to an adult court, where he could face a stiffer sentence if convicted.

I remember 1977. I was 15 then (for part of that year).
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