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Open Forum - Pennsylvania cop busted in hustler sting

berto - Aug 22, 2007 - 11:09 PM
Post subject: Pennsylvania cop busted in hustler sting

When police began a sting operation to catch suspected prostitutes they had no idea they would be arresting one of their own. Levi Gibbon Jr, a part-time police officer with Newport Township in northeastern Pennsylvania, has been charged with prostitution.

An informant told the state police Organized Crime Unit about a man working as a hustler and an undercover officer set up a date to meet the man at a local motel.

The criminal complaint against Gibbon, 40, says that he discussed various sex acts with the undercover officer and the fees involved. The officer allegedly accepted $200 and began to undress.


Police say that after his arrest Gibbon gave a written statement saying he had been working as an escort and had expected to be paid for sex.


Gibbon has been suspended without pay until the case is heard.

Rain - Aug 23, 2007 - 04:14 AM
Post subject: RE: Pennsylvania cop busted in hustler sting
Wow. You know, berto...if he was using state-issued handcuffs, those extra charges that will be leveled against him.
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