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Open Forum - Putin bares his breast

berto - Aug 22, 2007 - 10:56 PM
Post subject: Putin bares his breast

(photo from website)

365 reports:

When he flexes Russia's diplomatic and military muscle, President Vladimir Putin always makes headlines.

But few could have predicted the squall of gossip and speculation that would follow after Putin stripped off his shirt for the cameras while on holiday with Prince Albert of Monaco in the Siberian mountains last week.

The resulting images of the presidential abs, prominently enshrined on the presidential website, inspired admiration, criticism and some racing pulses among his admirers.

The Russian media still can't get enough.

The mass market tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda on Wednesday published a huge colour photo of the barechested president, under the headline: "Be Like Putin.''

The newspaper's excuse? A guide showing exactly what exercises were required to build up a torso like that of the Russian leader.

Meanwhile, Kremlin watchers have been busy trying to guess what kind of political message the pictures might send, given that Putin has insisted he plans to step down at the end of his second presidential term next year, as required by the constitution.

This is just too weird... Maybe I should mention in passing that there have long been rumours about the sexual orientation of Prince Albert of Monaco...
vanrozenheim - Aug 22, 2007 - 11:37 PM
Post subject: RE: Putin bares his breast
Russian gay chat rooms and blogs were particularly intrigued by the photos: Some claimed that Putin, by stripping to his waist, was somehow pleading for more tolerance of homosexuality in Russia _ where gays and lesbians, for the most part, remain in the closet.

That's weird, indeed. Who in posession of his senses might care for the looks of Mr Putin? Russians of all ages actually have little inhibitions to show themselves topless in public, provided it is warm outside. Wink But of course, the general developments there are less amusing: there are too many similarties with Weimar.
Rain - Aug 23, 2007 - 04:12 AM
Post subject: RE: Putin bares his breast
All in all, he's got nice titties. I see him making a really lovely (and very, very Russian...LOL) drag queen!
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