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Open Forum - Gay Jesus' photos spark violence at Swedish exhibit

berto - Aug 19, 2007 - 03:08 PM
Post subject: Gay Jesus' photos spark violence at Swedish exhibit
'Gay Jesus' photos spark violence at Swedish exhibit

Violence broke out over a gay Jesus art show in Sweden when a group of young people tried to set fire to a poster at a cultural center that was showing photos of Jesus in contemporary queer context. Staff intervened and as many as 30 people joined the fight, according to news reports.

The conflict occurred in the Swedish city of Jonkoping, known as a center of evangelical Christianity. Swedish photographer Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin created her "Ecce Homo" series by putting Jesus into a contemporary lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender context. An online gallery of selected gay Jesus images, including Ohlson Wallin's work, was recently added to the website

Rain - Aug 19, 2007 - 11:24 PM
Post subject: RE: Gay Jesus
If archeologists find a petrified turd in the tomb of the rock and positively identify it as having been Jesus' last earthly remains, does the Vatican build a shrine for it?

And if so, is the Vatican going to display it in the shrine and call it the Shrine of the Holy Shit?

And if by some miracle, the turd should come tumbling down from above and land on someone's head and kill him, does he automatically get into heaven?

And if he does make it to heaven and meets St. Peter who asks him how he died, does he start off the story by saying..."Peter, you're not going to believe this crap, but I was sitting in church when this shit happened to me."

Just a story I concocted when I was in high school and passed around. I nearly got suspended for a week for disrupting class.
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