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Open Forum - "Turd Blossom" stepping down

berto - Aug 13, 2007 - 02:47 PM
Post subject: "Turd Blossom" stepping down
"Turd Blossom" being GW Bush's "affectionate nickname" for Karl Rove

Karl Rove, President Bush's chief political strategist and the man regarded as the architect of the use of LGBT civil rights as a wedge issue in campaigns, plans to leave the White House at the end of August.


He is reported to have first begun running anti-gay attacks for the Bush gubernatorial campaign in Texas during the mid-1990s.

During the 2004 presidential campaign, it was Rove who closely coordinated White House meetings with two leading anti-gay advocates - the Family Research Council and Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family on issues including a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.


A book on Rove published last year provides behind the scenes glimpses of the man lengths he would go to win election.

In "The Architect: Karl Rove and the Master Plan for Absolute Power" writers James Moore and Wayne Slater reveal that Rove has told insiders he does not consider himself "a Christian", had a father who was gay, and regularly dealt with openly gay Republicans as he worked publicly to have a constitutional amendment passed that would ban same-sex marriage.

Rove's father, Louis, left the family and moved to California where he came out. Louis Rove died in Palm Springs as "his son was in the midst of launching the antigay issues campaign that was to lead to the re-election of George W. Bush."

The most fitting thing I could think of would be for Rove to be mowed down by a runaway sewage truck. Wouldn't that be make for a great obituary for "Turd Blossom"?
Rain - Aug 13, 2007 - 07:59 PM
Post subject: RE: "Turd Blossom" stepping down
If this were a country of laws, Rove would be facing a long prison sentence for crimes against humanity...never mind the gutting of our constitutional principles. It was he, more than anyone else, who inspired me to take to the streets during the RNC here.
Feral - Aug 13, 2007 - 08:33 PM
Post subject: RE: "Turd Blossom" stepping down
IF the US were a country of laws, he would... yes. It remains to be seen just how many of the existing laws the current regime chooses to enforce in this instance. I would hardly expect the federal government to be any more assiduous in this respect than any of the local or regional governments, so I don't expect that much of anything will happen to Mr. Rove.
Rain - Aug 13, 2007 - 08:37 PM
Post subject: RE: "Turd Blossom" stepping down
I don't expect that much of anything will happen to Mr. Rove.

Unfortunately,'re right. Sometimes I do hate it when you're right.
Feral - Aug 13, 2007 - 08:48 PM
Post subject: RE: "Turd Blossom" stepping down
Oh... I hate it too. More than words can say. I wish there was some way that I can readjust my thinking to make it come out some different way.

But if repeatedly beating Gay children in front of witnesses gets the beater a "you shouldn't do that" and the Gay kid a "suck it up and take it like a man," despite the fact that what has been sketchily described here is a felony worthy of at least five year's imprisonment in pretty much every jurisdiction in the US -- there is no hope at all for justice in cases like that of Mr. Rove.

Why, you could hand Karl Rove over to the mercies of his fiercest opponents (I almost wrote 'enemies' ... can it be honestly said that Rove has any?) and nothing whatsoever would happen.

And then the hordes of so-called "right-thinking people" will howl a bit about how very inadequate it all is... just like with the violence faced by Gay kids every day. Probably they will then call for more donations of money, maybe even some government appropriations of money.

They will, I sadly predict, never get around to the really very simple notion of handcuffs and bars. After a trial of course -- handcuffs and bars are for the guilty, not the innocent.
Rain - Aug 13, 2007 - 09:24 PM
Post subject: RE: "Turd Blossom" stepping down

But if repeatedly beating Gay children in front of witnesses gets the beater a "you shouldn't do that" and the Gay kid a "suck it up and take it like a man," despite the fact that what has been sketchily described here is a felony worthy of at least five year's imprisonment in pretty much every jurisdiction in the US -- there is no hope at all for justice in cases like that of Mr. Rove.

One of the things that has been roaming in my head lately is the absurdity of people like Madonna and Angelina Jolie going to third world countries to adopt children while (mostly white) affluent LGBT'ers are using/abusing the power of the state to forcibly remove (mostly minority) LGBT youths from public sidewalks. Not only are we not taking care of our own...we don't even see them as our own. It's sad beyond any imagination, because I can tell you that these kids see themselves as a part of the gay community. They are puzzled and hurt by the reactions of older gays. These older gays forgot the bitter lessons learned during the turbulance of the 1960s and 1970s now that they excercise a certain amount of influence and clout in the community. These kids are not unware of this and they know that their time will come too.

What bitter lessons will they remember? That this country has a multi-tiered system of privilege and once you reach the pinnacles of that system, it is your turn to turn on those below you. It is already happening imperceptibly at some NGO's here. Once founded to take care of gay, white, males, they have slowly become predominantly minority and you can feel attitudes shifting from one of sincere compassion, to one of downright disregard for others who are not like them.
Feral - Aug 13, 2007 - 10:03 PM
Post subject:
What bitter lessons will they remember?

Ah... here I get to play the optimist. The true answer to that question is "the lessons they have been taught." Now, at this very instant, my version of this answer and your version of this answer are identical. But this instant is not all instances. The whole universe changes constantly (some of the changes do not much warrant mention, but change it does). One of the crueler games that statisticians play is the "if everything continues at it's current rate, then ... X." I've been told over the years that at some point before this very instant it became inevitable that I would become infected with hepatitis C, that I would become infected with HIV, that I would become infected with HSV-2. None of these things has come to pass. I've been told over the years that, variably, either half of all species will have become extinct by today or all of them will have. Since nine species of animals and thirty species of plants are alive and well in my apartment and countless others are in abundant evidence outside my window, I'm guessing that the latter prognostication was false. I have a feeling that if the former prognosis were true my life would look rather different today than it does. Hell... I was told in no uncertain terms at one point that there was no conceivable likelihood that there would be any petroleum by the year 1990. This was untrue. The thing of it is -- all these efforts to divine the future were made in good faith with the best data available at the time and in accordance with the hypothesis that "if things continue at their current rate."

What lessons (bitter or otherwise) will our youth remember? The ones we choose to teach them today. What has been taught is pretty easily charted out. What is not at all easy is charting out what will be being taught in the very next instant. "Panta rhei, ouden menei." (The original is "πάντα χωρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει" -- but I wasn't quoting the original.)

Teach them something different. Start today. Not that I would address this advice to anyone in particular here -- this is actually the last place I should make such a statement. Still, small changes can have great effects. The universe seems an overwhelmingly complicated and imperturbable place, but the universe is just riddled with chaos, and chaos is hardly complicated or imperturbable. It just likes to dress up that way. Effecting real change is rather like dancing. The choice of the music is really quite important. We just need to dance faster... I recommend Techno or Tribal or House. Trance will do... but only if it has some "boom boom" to it. Just as with dancing, effecting change is very likely to make you sweat. In fact, if it does not then you aren't doing it right.
Rain - Aug 14, 2007 - 06:26 AM
Post subject:
You have no argument from me, Fer. That's precisely what older LGBT'ers are not realizing. Rather than bemoan the state of gay youth, they should engage them. Rather than seek to remove them from their sight, they should seek to understand their need for role models. Granted, few places have as complex, or as varied, a gay population as New York. And the thought of older men mentoring to adolescents trying to come out may be troubling in certain places. But here, that's been a time-honored tradition. I have said before that our people are the only people on the planet that does not have the luxury of directly passing on our wisdom, knowledge and culture to subsequent generations. Now even when we are presented with the opportunities to do so, we recoil at the thought.

These kids are seeking their gay selves in the same way I searched. I was lucky. I found a group of older gays and lesbians that understood my search for identity because they had been there too. They saw my need to build that identity as a proud, out, gay man and they reacted.

The reactions of this current generation of older LGBT'ers is troubling. They are older and should, in theory, act like it. The "this is my neighborhood" attitude helps no one. Instead of reaction, we need interaction. That's my perspective.
Rain - Aug 14, 2007 - 06:43 AM
Post subject:
But, to redirect this thread back to "Turd Blossom" (man, I love that's so a propos) question is--why now? There is no political benefit in having Rove step down now. The damage has been done. The wound on the national Republican apparatus is so severe that it is doubtful that they will take the White House in 2008. Especially after the Iowa straw poll this weekend showed Mitt Romney as the clear winner. Romney is unpalatable to most Republicans, fundies, conservatives and non-conservatives alike. Aside from Romney, their only real challenger to date is McCain who is trailing badly in the cash race.

Even thoughts of NYC mayor Michael Bloomber throwing his formidable multi-billion dollar hat in the ring were dashed when he left the Republican Party a few weeks ago and declared himself an independent. No surprise to any of us here, Bloomberg had been a die-hard Democrat until he was urged to run for mayor. In order to do so, he had to switch parties. He was a Democrat camouflaging as a Republican. And frankly, he has governed as unremarkably as any Democrat.

So...why now? This president's administration will go down in history as having about as much job turnovers as a neighborhood McDonald's.
Rain - Aug 14, 2007 - 06:51 AM
Post subject:
Oh, and Rove's dad's gayness was a well known fact. There are too many gay skeletons in the Republican closet to count. My only regret is that the Democrats never chose to capitalize on it.
Feral - Aug 14, 2007 - 08:16 AM
Post subject:
Why now? All anyone can really do at this point is speculate (but, of course, people are more than willing to do just that). Says the blog Simply Left Behind:

The real clue is this:

Rove finally decided to leave after Joshua Bolten, the White House chief of staff, told senior aides that if they remained past early September, they would be obliged to stay until the end of Bush's second and final term in January 2009, the paper said.

Ah. There we are.

Rove intends to get back into the fight with another candidate. After all, why not run out the clock?

The blogger suggests Romney, with Thompson as a possibility.
Rain - Aug 14, 2007 - 08:28 AM
Post subject:
Expect the gay card to be played. However, I don't know how much impact it will have with other issues like Irak, health care, evironmental change, immigration, and ballooning trade deficits with other countries so prevalent in most people's minds.

If Rove has proved anything is that he is an artful dissembler and muddler of the issues. That's his genius as a political strategist, but also, I believe this will be his eventual downfall.
berto - Aug 16, 2007 - 03:25 PM
Post subject:
Perhaps Rove is quitting now in able to ensure that if he IS charged with anything, Bush will still be in office to pardon him...
berto - Aug 23, 2007 - 10:40 AM
Post subject:
The Wonkette website currently has a posting that gives me mental images I'd rather not think about:

Karl Rove's Gay Dad Made His Son Fall in Love With Jeff Gannon

Former manwhore turned journalist turned blogger Jeff Gannon’s sketchy old employers claim that Jeff Gannon will claim that Karl Rove is a gay homosexual who has sex with other gay homosexual men, just like his adoptive father, whose penis you can see on the internet if you’re into that sort of thing.

“Talon News” is still plugging away at the whole “making shit up on the nternet” thing, and their unbylined, three paragraph story on the Rove rumor is a marvel of confusing, unsourced speculation. Also, they use the term “pron.” We’re not sure if they’re being 1337 or if that’s a typo. But apparently Karl and Jeff Gannon fucked in the Buchanan room! What we don’t get is why Karl would have a sleepover with a male whore at the White House, but hey, now that we’ve seen his dad’s cock ring we’ll believe anything.

More links at Wonkette...
Feral - Aug 23, 2007 - 04:58 PM
Post subject:
I'd rather not think about

Then think about it no more. While the White House has several rooms, most with some name or other, there is no "Buchanan Room." It's not that big a place.

A room of this name is often the venue for any number of events involving White House personnel, but this would be a room in the Willard InterContinental Hotel. If someone wishes to make specific claims about people carrying on in the White House, it would be a good idea if their story has at least credible place names.
Rain - Aug 24, 2007 - 12:50 AM
Post subject:
Jeff Gannon’s sketchy old employers claim that Jeff Gannon will claim

He said she said. Yeah. OK.
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