Gay Republic Daily

Badinage - The Google Pit

Feral - Jul 11, 2007 - 08:36 PM
Post subject: The Google Pit
From time to time, readers end up on GRD because of a search engine result. OK, to be fair, it's more than 'from time to time.' Unfortunately, the inclusion of Gay Republic Daily in these search results is generally in error. The most obvious error is generally the failure of the person doing the searching to employ any quotation marks. In all seriousness... "word soup" is not a useful result from a search engine. GRD's front page (and its several index pages) contains a great many words -- triggering some really bizarre search engine results. Often the answer to the searcher's query is quite simple, but not likely to be found in the site's many articles. It seems a pity to leave so many reasonable questions unanswered, so I'll make half an effort to correct that here.

First off... BAZOOMS. Yes. The word appeared in one of our editorials. Shame on us. None of these actually appear on GRD... it's not that kind of site.

Secondly, the most popular or most frequented gay porn site... what can I say? The most popular gay porn site is the one that pleases you best. There are quite a lot of them. It's a diverse and competitive industry, and there are no clear 'leaders' of the pack. Some are more popular than others, of course, but I really don't think there IS a 'most frequented' site.

Lastly, the incidence of AIDS among Gays -- there aren't any hard figures for that. It's rather obvious why. The Gay communities in various urban centers have differing rates of HIV infection. Knowing what the rate might be in any one city would be a meaningless datum. Meaningless as it is, a lot of cities are of the opinion that this figure is between 3 and 5 percent. Some cities admit to much higher figures.
Kyleovision - Jul 12, 2007 - 09:53 PM
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There. That ought to get the traffic up.
Feral - Jul 16, 2007 - 01:01 AM
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Looking for the unedited trailer to Shortbus? Seems the discussions here of the film trigger more than a few search engines. Said trailer can be viewed at the web site for the film. A simple registration is required. The uncensored trailer is a reasonable representation of the film as a whole.
Feral - Jul 24, 2007 - 01:19 AM
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Oh my yes... people look for Ryan Daharsh all the time. Sadly, he is not much in evidence on these pages (I'm not at all clear why Google would send folks to us on Ryan's account). Still, if you're seeking information about (or more likely very attractive pictures of) Ryan Dahash, Google will serve your needs admirably if you but spell his surname correctly.


He's a fine lad. I hope he makes a fortune.

Then again... I'm being cruel. Pretty much the mother lode of Daharsh would be this fansite devoted to him. There's little purpose served by searching further.
Feral - Jul 24, 2007 - 01:35 AM
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Inexplicably, Google delivers this site first in searches for the word "stringvestite." Even more inexplicably, this word is actually being searched for with some regularity.


I spent much of yesterday remembering an all-too-typical episode of Are You Being Served? called No Sale, in which Mr Humphries, played by Inman, told the menswear department how he'd spent a naughty-sounding weekend with a stringvestite, a trendy bishop, a roving reporter and a dustman. What is a stringvestite? Trust me, there's no such thing: it's a parody of perversion. It's the mockery by straight men of homosexuality which, in their minds, is intrinsically linked to fetishism.

It's but one word in a toss-off line in the episode "No Sale."
berto - Jul 24, 2007 - 02:06 AM
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Feral wrote:
Pretty much the mother lode of Daharsh would be this fansite devoted to him.

I quite liked this one.
Feral - Jul 24, 2007 - 02:13 AM
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LOL. I think Mr. Daharsh is more artfully put together than the statue. Were he so inclined, I suspect a photo of him in that very pose would be wildly popular... kitschy as all get out, but popular. It would be in his interest to have a price tag attached to such photos as well. He deserves to be paid for his talents.
Feral - Jul 30, 2007 - 07:14 AM
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Yah. This heather thing... it was a joke -- for April Fool's day. There ARE those who claim medicinal uses for heather.

Treating impotence is not among the claims.

I think it's quite safe to say that if heather were so effective at treating erectile disfunction that this property could be discovered accidentally, as the April Fool's story suggested, then it would be common knowledge (at least among those who value the medicinal claims made for this or that bit of garden debris. It just isn't. It was a joke.
Feral - Jul 31, 2007 - 08:57 PM
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Should you be looking for the essay by Peter Tatchell entitled "It's Just a Phase: Why Homosexuality Is Doomed," it appears in the book Anti-Gay, edited by Mark Simpson. You'll have to want to read it powerfully bad though -- Amazon says the book sells for $69.84.
vanrozenheim - Aug 07, 2007 - 02:46 AM
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Are you wondering whether a foam party with lots of go-go boys under age of 24 are performing a table dance with jewelry around their necks? Those Gay boys will have no use for T-shirts and underwear, nor will they ever wear shoes or hats. The luxury watch you migth wish to give to such a cutie must not be the replica watch they sold you via the special offer on the internet business. If you experience financial difficulties and need a loan or a mortgage for your house, it is probably not the best idea to go to such a place. The luxury hotel is not for you, back-packer tourist! You better take your high-quality digital camera or recorder to gather pictures from the magnificent sea side.
Feral - Aug 19, 2007 - 08:18 AM
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All summer long GRD ends up in a lot of Google search results looking for this or that Gay Pride event.

Like a search recently for something along the lines of "is there really a gay pride event in Manchester this weekend?"

Yup, there really is. It lasts through the 27th, so it's not too late for at least some of the festivities.

We get these hits because we try, gamely, to cover as many of these events as possible -- usually after the fact, unfortunately. If you are planning a "Pride season itinerary," or just want to know when your local Gay Pride parade is, the best source for information of this sort is really the Calendar page of the Community. Mind you, this would be (technically speaking) a competing forum, but their extensive collection of Pride events is a thing of wonder.

It must be a titanic task, keeping all of those events updated year after year. I can't help but wonder how they manage.
Rain - Aug 19, 2007 - 10:51 PM
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All summer long GRD ends up in a lot of Google search results looking for this or that Gay Pride event.

Thinking about this would not hurt for us to try to network with LGBT pride orgs worldwide and get an advance schedule of their activities and have them displayed on GRD as a community service. This would be a lovely way to kick off yet another idea I've been musing and will definitely spring on Vicky and all of you in due time.
Feral - Aug 20, 2007 - 12:33 AM
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Feral - Sep 18, 2007 - 03:49 AM
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Some intrepid searcher wants really very badly to learn what ever happened to Carton and Rossi, "the Jersey Guys."

In short... nothing, nothing at all.
vanrozenheim - Sep 18, 2007 - 04:08 AM
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Feral wrote:
If you are planning a "Pride season itinerary," or just want to know when your local Gay Pride parade is, the best source for information of this sort is really the Calendar page of the Community.

Cool, me jealous now!

Somehow I missed these two posts for whole 4 weeks - the PNphpBB is really not that good in highlighting [older] unread posts.

A calendar function is really usefull, and I will see into it, but honestly, I do not know when I will find time to make something similar. The recent code hacking for enabling Google News and Advertisements have been somewhat time consuming, but I also learn by doing. We will see.
Feral - Sep 18, 2007 - 07:31 AM
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I question the value of such a thing myself -- unless it is to contain the events held only in certain major cities. Often enough, these events turn up in the usual run of summer news items anyway. I'm afraid I must question the real utility of the calendar at BGay... it is too good to be true. If they really HAVE managed to correctly place all of these events on their calendar, it is an awe-inspiring accomplishment. I suspect, however, that many of these events may have been held on the listed dated at some point in history, but are not necessarily being held on those dates this (or any other) year. Someone would have to go through and research the current plans for each of these events -- a remarkable task considering the BGay calendar contains events from a great many smaller communities.
Feral - Sep 19, 2007 - 07:02 AM
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The GRD pixies have alerted me to the fact (and it is one) that some brave soul is desperately seeking the answer to the question "what was Harvey Milk elected to?"

Fair enough... people (you know... people) are constantly going on about how Harvey was the first openly-Gay publicly-elected official but they are not so free with the information about just which elected office Milk was voted into.

Harvey Milk was elected to the San Fransisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. He represented District 5.

You know what? I'm not even going to provide a link for that little snippet of (probably quite useless) information. I remember 1977 quite clearly (I am more than a little old, you see) and the event made national news. You can probably find verification of my personal memory on Wikipedia if you really must have footnotes for everything (though really... had our intrepid searcher bothered to go to Wikipedia first, there'd have been no need to go Googling with such vague search terms).

The GRD pixies also tell me that someone is looking for code names for Gay people.

Sweetie... it's a code. The whole point of a code would be a certain level of discretion. This means that not only will you not be finding such information here (at least not in one tidy little packet), you won't be finding such a list at any reputable place on the Web. Now, eventually you will find what you're looking for. Be forewarned that there are two versions of such lists... the vulgar slang of straight people and the more functional passwords of the Gay community... and they are not at all the same thing. Also, since such lists will not be coming (as I've already mentioned quite clearly) from a reputable source, two-thirds of the entries on the list will be a complete fabrication. The disreputable sorts that make lists are prone to confabulation and flights of fancy.

All in all, though, I have been quite impressed with the Google-fu skills of the inquiring minds who wander into the Gay Republic. As a rule, they have been quite reasonably finding what they have been seeking.

Even the ones looking for "bazooms."
Feral - Sep 21, 2007 - 09:42 PM
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how to call for action for gays

Well, now... you don't get asked that very often. Here's hoping Google shall be able to fulfill this particular search better next time (should there be a next time).

A "call for action" for Gays used to be fairly difficult... not so anymore.

Of course, not every call for action is going to "stir the masses" quite the way you want it to. People will insist upon differing in opinion about what is and is not important, vital, and necessary. In fact, there is more than occasionally considerable difference of opinion about something as mundane as usefulness.

That said... craft your call for action in the form of a press release and e-mail it out to various Gay news sites. Pink News, UK Gay News, and (but of course) Gay Republic Daily spring immediately to mind. Apart from that (or in addition to), try e-mailing one of the more prominent Gay bloggers. Here a simple (and please... short) message is better than a press release. Bloggers read press releases as much as they read any other e-mail, but it has been my experience that bloggers are more interested in people than press releases. Here Pam Spaulding of Pam's House Blend or Andy Towle of Towleroad or Mike Rodgers of PageOneQ come to mind. There are, of course, a whole flock of others. Pick some -- pick every one you can find. The more blogs you can get to pick up your call to action the more likely it is to make news.

In between the news sites and the bloggers, interesting things happen.
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