Gay Republic Daily

Self-Organization & Network - Fight Out Loud

Feral - Jun 18, 2007 - 07:48 PM
Post subject: Fight Out Loud
Ft Lauderdale Couple Forms Non-Profit in Response to Anti-gay Airport Incident

Anthony Niedwicki and Waymon Hudson, the couple at the center of the incident at Fort Lauderdale airport in early May in which a skycap read an anti-gay passage from the Bible over the airport's PA system, have formed a non-profit to counter hate and discrimination.

Niedwicki told Towleroad that a few things have happened since the incident and the intense media attention that it generated. The couple has received hate mail and Hudson "has been spit on and called fag when he has been out in public." On the flipside, they have "received lots of support and thanks from around the country for pushing the issue and taking a stand."

Niedwicki says that they wanted to pass along some of the lessons they learned from the experience and have started a website and non-profit organization called Fight OUT Loud to assist others when they encounter anti-gay hate and discrimination. Niedwicki notes that at the time of the Fort Lauderdale incident they really found there was nowhere to turn with their complaint, so they hope to fill that void.

Fight Out Loud's mission statement:

The mission of Fight OUT Loud is to assist the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community in mobilizing against discrimination and hate crimes. We hope to use our experience to give guidance through the maze of government, media, police, and security issues that come from speaking out publicly on GLBT issues. Fight OUT Loud is a resource for our community, acting as a guide for framing issues and talking points, helping to get a coherent and effective message out, and providing contacts for the everyday person when their situation is not being taken seriously. We also hope to assist in training our community on how to react to incidents of discrimination and to raise awareness of the still present hatred and bigotry focused on GLBT individuals.

For what it's worth, Fight Out Loud has a MySpace page as well. (Who doesn't these days?)
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