Gay Republic Daily

Badinage - Road Trip

Feral - Jun 11, 2007 - 01:14 AM
Post subject: Road Trip
See Kyle Draw is on a road-trip of sorts. He's a perceptive lad.

Can I tell you how much Pennsylvanian roads suck? Every highway is perpetually under construction (no workers ever present) and populated with drivers who don't know where their gas pedals or turn signals are. They say Hell is other people, but Hell is really other people driving in Pennsylvania.

I understand he had his reasons for venturing into this particular benighted place, but unless he's doing 'research' for more cute, slack-jawed zombies, I'd advise him to leave at once. (His shortest escape route would be to the South).

It takes many more words than this to properly characterize Pennsylvanian roads. I gather from his pithy description that he was not out driving in the recent rain -- Pennsylvanian drivers may be at their most 'colorful' when its raining (their driving in snow is a hoot as well). Were my favorite cartoonist-that-draws-otters to emerge from those perilous hills (Dueling Banjos really IS playing in the background... it's not his imagination), he might have the occasion to observe that, in addition to not knowing where their gas pedals or turn signals are, a great many drivers in Pennsylvania are oblivious to the significance of red lights and 'one way' signs.

A boy and his boy could get smooshed in a place like PA... and then who would feed the cute little dog?
berto - Aug 12, 2007 - 10:54 AM
Post subject: RE: Road Trip
His road trip continues, and I just recently noticed (went back to his blog and noticed, that is) that he was at comicon.

Goodness me, lookit that lad second from the top, on the right-hand side... nuMMM! Or how 'bout that pair at the left on the bottom? Huff! (I prefer the right-hand lad from that pair, though; toned, but not so beefy...)

I hope Kyle and Boy are having fun. Smile
Feral - Aug 12, 2007 - 07:42 PM
Post subject: RE: Road Trip
My recollection is that *some* of those lads are paid promotional help for the graphic novel version of that '300' thing. The merits of the movie aside, the successful graphic novel that inspired it is widely considered to be quite good (as such things go).

Now, the "vikings" may be some similarly arranged ornamentation, or they may be enthusiastic fans. I hope they do not claim to be accurately resembling proper vikings though. As decorative as they are, I'm afraid they are more at home in the pages of a graphic novel (where I am sure they are much admired) than in the pages of some history book.
berto - Aug 26, 2007 - 09:19 PM
Post subject:
See Kyle Draw is moving...

Tired of trying to balance between a personal blog riddled with spam and an online gallery /store, I've decided to split things up.

If you want to buy some of my stuff (and you should!), go here:, and if you want to read my trivial thoughts, rough exploits, and other such ramblings go here:

New art and movie reviews will still be showing here, but adjust your bookmarks according to what you seek.

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