Gay Republic Daily

Open Forum - Catholic bigots get ceramic exhibition cancelled

berto - May 01, 2007 - 09:20 PM
Post subject: Catholic bigots get ceramic exhibition cancelled

The exhibition had been put together by a gay couple, Salvador Luna and Antonio Hernandez, and was to be held in the Sˆ„tano Uno municipal hall. However the space is part of the old Santa Maria Convent, and the local priest Gonzalo Martin has said the show should be stopped as it goes against Catholic Morals.

A poster for the exhibition shows the two artists, who got married in the town, kissing.

The Mayor of Coin, Socialist Gabriel Clavijo, said to the Diario Sur newspaper that the decision to postpone the show was taken after he understood that some local religious brotherhoods were organising protest action. The Mayor also supported the local priest.

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