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Open Forum - Can anyone make sense out of this????

berto - May 01, 2007 - 09:18 PM
Post subject: Can anyone make sense out of this????
I mean, I *sort* of know what they're saying, but the part toward the end is virtually incomprehensible. WTF are they talking about? And are they *for* or *against* this video?

YouTube Removed Homosexual Content


Google's YouTube, the online video sharing service that allows users to upload, share and comment clips with other members, removed a controversial clip that caused a lot of trouble for the parent company. The video displaying homosexual indoctrination of elementary school children was deleted from YouTube without an official reason, LifeSite reports.

The clip was actually showing some teachers trying to explain the students that homosexuality is something normal and no discrimination is needed. However, the clip made in 1996 was removed from the page, being replaced with the well known ³This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Women's Educational Media² notification.

"The film, 'It's Elementary', was made in 1996 by Womenıs Educational Media, a San Francisco-based group that claims the film 'has served as a catalyst for schools all over the world to become more proactive in addressing anti-gay prejudice in the classroom.' The videos were cached on the website of Mass Resistance, a pro-family lobbying organization, the same source reports.

However, the domain is extremely important as a simple removal of a single clip can cause important problems for the search giant. As you know, it is very easy to accuse a company for discrimination, the deletion of a homosexual video being an important reason for a complaint. Even if the clip was removed, I think Google will manage to avoid possible problems as the movie is also available on multiple locations on the Internet.

In the past, Google had similar problems only once when the company was accused of removing AdSense from one of the most famous gay communities.

However, Google sustained the website prohibited its guidelines although the page was continuously requiring the search giant to republish the adverts.

Feral - May 02, 2007 - 03:52 AM
Post subject: RE: Can anyone make sense out of this????
Applying my usual Wing-nut filters, they seem to be pointlessly cooing about the removal of a piece of "subversive homosexual propaganda." In fact, what appears to have taken place was a routine removal due to copyright violations.

It's Elementary "has aired on more than 100 PBS stations and is used in teacher-training programs throughout the United States." The film is owned by Women's Educational Media and they sell it -- $45 for home use, $75 to $250 (depending upon the version) for institutional use.

If the film was up on YouTube, it was there illegally and the organization had every right to remove it.

Just why Mass Resistance would want to cache evidence of a simple copyright violation is beyond my understanding. It does not seem to me a sane action. Any notion that the removal of this video from YouTube has somehow limited the distribution of the film is absurd.
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