Gay Republic Daily

Open Forum - Indiana man brutally beaten to death

Feral - Apr 27, 2007 - 08:11 PM
Post subject: Indiana man brutally beaten to death
Indiana man brutally beaten to death

The murder in Crothersville, Indiana is gruesome. The circumstances are a bit different depending on the article you read, but the common denominator is that homophobia unleashed unbelievable violent behavior in a group of men -- and one of them, 35-year-old Aaron Hall, ended up dead.

Pam is linking to a few of these varying reports, including this one.

Court papers show Gray and King brutally attacked, then photographed Hall. King hit him with his boots at least 75 times. The suspects told police they dragged Hall down the steps, loaded him into Robert Hendricks' truck, and dumped his body in a ditch. They say they went back two days later, and found Hall in a nearby field. That's when they tell police they wrapped the body in a tarp and hid it in Gray's garage.

The three face trial in October.
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