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Archives etc - Anti-gay chalk messages spark debates at CMU

Feral - Apr 15, 2007 - 07:32 AM
Post subject: Anti-gay chalk messages spark debates at CMU
Anti-gay chalk messages spark debates at CMU

Authorities don't know who is responsible for 10 anti-gay messages written Monday on a student-heavy artery connecting the campus' Anspach and Pearce halls...


By Tuesday, someone had erased the messages from the sidewalk, and university President Michael Rao sent a campuswide e-mail to denounce the statements. He called the authors "cowards" and the messages "repugnant."

"The statements are completely inconsistent with the university's views and the ways in which the university is trying to promote respect for all people," he wrote. "I am disappointed that any human being could behave so disgracefully toward other human beings."

Rao plans to form a committee over the summer to draw up policy regarding chalk writing on campus grounds...

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