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Kyleovision - Mar 05, 2007 - 04:23 AM
Post subject: GLAAD
GLAAD & The 'Gay Gangs' of Memphis


On February 28, local ABC24 and CW30 affiliates in Memphis, Tenn., perpetuated dangerous, inaccurate stereotypes in their evening news report on 'lesbian gangs.' The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) was first alerted to the story when ...[folks] called to complain about a problematic ...[news promo].

The teaser, aired during February “sweeps” month, foreshadowed the familiar defamatory script in which a local news reporter relies on tabloid-style journalism and anecdotal claims....

...[T]he stations' general manager and assistant news director... agreed to show GLAAD the segment before it aired.

The report we saw was shockingly defamatory. The story dramatized “Gays Taking Over,” a group of African American women preying on other women. The principal interview subject, a so-called “gang expert” employed by the local sheriff’s office, suggested that the sexual harassment and violence the gang allegedly perpetuated [sic.] would make its victims gay. The report offered no evidence to support these assertions, and the station’s general manager admitted to GLAAD that the station had not independently verified its interview subjects’ claims.

Long story short: the stations' agreed to make some changes, but GLAAD still wasn't happy with the story that finally did air, albeit with a pretty strong anchor intro & tag out that pointedly supported the local gay community.

Here is the video, along with what reads as the anchor toss and tag out. It would have likely gone like this: first 8 paras are the toss, roll package, last 3 paras are tag out (with a graphic that shows the list of schools).
berto - Mar 05, 2007 - 12:53 PM
Post subject:
I tried watching that, but I don't have the right plug-ins (or something). But the whole thing sounds farcical, at best.

What's next, some queer "infiltrator" named Luigi cited as proof of the "gay mafia"? Rolling Eyes
Kyleovision - Mar 05, 2007 - 04:09 PM
Post subject:
'berto wrote:
What's next, some queer "infiltrator" named Luigi cited as proof of the "gay mafia"? Rolling Eyes

Now, now... that police Gang Intel specilalists are *saying* that this is going on is most assuredly news in itself (to my mind). The question becomes, does the story follow the predictable path (as it did) and exist as one fulll of phrases like "Police say this and police say that..." (so much better copy than anything that proliferates that pesky 'allege'), or does it morph into a story about how what people are saying doesn't seem to be backed up by actual criminal complaints and prosecution?

It's suddenly a better story if the reporter gets to ask (on-camera), "So if all of this is as bad as you say, why are there no prosecutions going on? Eyewitness News checked, and there are no cases in the system right now involving the GTO. What do you make of that?"

Furthermore, where are the SOTs from students at these schools? Even a few saying, 'Wow, you don't talk about the GTO, unless y'all want a pipe up your *bleep*' would be called for here. There are none.

As presented, the intro and out-tro rip the guts out of the story completely. But I know why they ran it even after it was shown to be deficient: you don't pull a heavily promoted sweeps piece unless it will get you sued. You just don't. Most viewers aren't smart enough to see that you've run a story and retracted most of it at the same time.

...the whole thing sounds farcical, at best.

Ah, you didn't get to see the most farcial bit. The graphic behind the reporter who was tossing to the package on-set read: Violent Femmes.
Feral - Mar 23, 2007 - 06:53 PM
Post subject: GLAAD Media Awards
In case it slipped your attention, the Here! network is mighty peeved about being excluded from GLAAD's annual media awards. It's not just Here! that's excluded... ALL gay media are excluded.

GLAAD's standard blurb on what the awards are about (from their web site):

The GLAAD Media Awards recognize and honor mainstream media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and the issues that affect their lives.

GLAAD's response to Here!'s request for a clarification (from Wockner's site):

"The GLAAD Board of Directors made the determination to continue the focus of the Media Awards on mainstream media last year after this same issue was raised by the folks at Logo. A special ad hoc committee of the board met several times and then made a recommendation to the full board of directors. It was a long and thorough discussion that the board had at that time, and all views were aired. In addition, I am aware that some members of the LGBT media did contact members of the GLAAD board to discuss the issue. This is the view they aligned with after much review, so this remains the approach of the GLAAD Media Awards program at this time. Of course, any board action/direction is subject to further review/action by a future board and I suspect the overall issue will continue to come forward. Personally, I think we should work to create a way to recognize LGBT-focused media, and am hopeful someday we will do so."

In a nutshell, Here!'s position:

As I replied to you in our response, we completely disagree with the organization's position. Our request was simple, to be allowed to submit our programming to be judged on its merits, not on its origin. GLAAD's position of excluding a television network that serves the gay and lesbian audience is counterproductive to its mission statement and an archaic interpretation of its application in the new media space. The mission statement does not include the word "mainstream" anywhere in it, nor is it comforting to know GLAAD is defining "mainstream" and gay as mutually exclusive places to be in American culture.

Media has changed dramatically over the years because of the blood, sweat, and tears of brave LGBT activists, yet GLAAD has not adjusted its policies and strategies to account for this as it relates to the high profile Media Awards. In the absence of strategic change from GLAAD, the organization's largest event is on the verge of becoming irrelevant and the millions of dollars raised wasted when LGBT Americans need strong leadership more than ever.

Basically it comes down to what the word "mainstream" means. My reading of GLAAD's web site (and my understanding for many years) is that GLAAD uses the word "mainstream" to mean "straight." They are recognizing straight people for playing nice. What point would there be for an award for gay media for "fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community"?

Here! owns (last I heard) Hyperion Interactive, which means the network owns the gay news site

Quite apart from whether gay media ought to be included in an award show for so-called "mainstream" media, there remains the question of how well they would really fare.

Of the Here network, the less said the better. If you purchase most of their offerings you’re asked to pay $3.95 for, you’re a sucker. Most of their films are gaysploitation idiocies where the writing is dreadful and the acting is worse—that’s especially true of a particularly leaden horror soap opera they’ve produced called “Dante’s Cove”—and only about one in 10 are watchable. And their idea of a talk show is that indigestible endorser of Republicans, Elizabeth Birch, talking to Pat Buchanan. How enlightening. I’m not going There.

When one considers what gay TV could be, and then spends any time looking at what it is, all that’s been proven is that gay TV can be even more repellently mediocre than straight commercial television. And we’re supposed to call that progress.

(In fairness, that quote from Doug Ireland only referrences the Here! network. He had plenty to say about Logo and QTN as well... and about as little good.)
berto - Mar 23, 2007 - 08:26 PM
Post subject:
Okay, fine, but I've never had much more use for GLAAD than I do for HRC.
Feral - Mar 24, 2007 - 03:20 AM
Post subject:
While I can think of a few things more useless than GLAAD (especially their awards), the number of these things is not so very large.
Feral - Mar 24, 2007 - 04:30 PM
Post subject:
Wockner fesses up -- the GLAAD Media Awards are "icky".

There you go Smile Something that Mr. Wockner and I can agree on. Of course, I had hoped that Mr. Wockner could come up with something ickier than sandwiching paparazzi in with journalists, but let's just go with this "common ground" theme while it's working.

I agree with Rex Wockner: the GLAAD Media Awards have an "ick factor" and they sometimes weird me out.
Feral - Mar 25, 2007 - 07:16 AM
Post subject:
Don't be mad at GLAAD

After all, GLAAD is not the gay television or motion picture academy or the queer Pulitzer Prize committee. It’s an advocacy group with a mission: to push for fair, accurate and inclusive portrayals of LGBT people in the media.

Macias took special umbrage at the idea that the good work done by here!TV isn’t covered by that mission, but why should he? A gay TV network is primarily gay people portraying gay people for the viewing pleasure of other gay people. Why should they require an advocacy group to give them credit for doing that job particularly well? It is fundamentally what they do.

Nicely put.

I'd amend the title of the piece a tad though -- don't be mad at GLAAD for this.
Feral - Apr 15, 2007 - 09:10 AM
Post subject:
Signorile on GLAAD:

I agree with the critique of GLAAD’s elitism, but the critics seem to be sidestepping an unavoidable conclusion: The GLAAD Media Awards need to be halted, or at the very least, radically pared down, immediately, while the gay movement still has some integrity left. A group that began in the 80s as a fiery organization committed to direct action against media bias has turned into a high-priced masseuse for Hollywood and media titans alike, offering full ejaculatory release. The last thing that my gay media colleagues should be demanding is some of that masturbatory pleasure for themselves. What we really need to do is get GLAAD out of the hand-job business entirely.


GLAAD appears to have little choice at this point but to highly promote its Media Awards because they are now the group’s main source of funding, according to Here! TV's Stephen Macias, who was once GLAAD’s entertainment director and who appeared on my radio program recently. The awards dinners, at which film and media companies buy up tables, are a huge cash cow, bringing in almost 4 million dollars a year.

GLAAD doesn’t seem to be giving out so many awards – 183 nominees this year by their count, including one for, yes, Grey’s Anatomy – because so many people actually deserve them. Rather, they need the money that doling out awards brings in. Why else are they holding the awards in four cities at four events spanning two months? Is it not in fact that those cities happen to be places inhabited by a lot of gay people with money who can fork over cash to hobnob with celebrities?

This is all a far cry from an organization that began in 1985, when activists led by the groundbreaking film critic and activist Vito Russo, the author of The Celluloid Closet who died from AIDS in 1990, protested outside the New York Post to end the paper’s hateful coverage of AIDS and distortion of gay lives. It seems that GLAAD’s only homage to Russo’s firebrand activism today is a glitzy award named after him, handed out at their annual sycophantic lovefest.

And then people wonder why we are still so abused and mistreated in the American media.

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