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Gay Identity - Queer as Volk? - Sonoma gay paper folds

Feral - Mar 02, 2007 - 06:38 PM
Post subject: Sonoma gay paper folds
Sonoma gay paper folds

After 18 years of publication, We the People , Sonoma County's GLBT newspaper, is calling it quits.

The publication's editor, Gary Carnivele, said the nonprofit community-owned corporation that publishes the newspaper will now focus its attention on producing a Web site,

Founded in 1988 by Sandy Lowe and a handful of LGBT activists, We the People was published by the Redwood Empire Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Education Project. It was a free monthly, distributed primarily in Sonoma, Marin and Mendocino counties. In its early years it provided a platform for the rise of LGBT and AIDS activism in Sonoma County.

Vizier - Mar 17, 2007 - 04:55 PM
Post subject: RE: Sonoma gay paper folds
Look for many more of these messages to com in the future. The gay press world wide seems to be experiencing financial problems brought on by a changing global, political and financial climate, to say nothing of the intense competition from electronic media...
Kyleovision - Mar 17, 2007 - 11:25 PM
Post subject: RE: Sonoma gay paper folds
The internet menace is what has the entire media industry-- not just the gay bits-- beside itself with fear. In the next 10 years, expect to see a wholesale restructuring of the so-called MSM.
vanrozenheim - Mar 18, 2007 - 01:58 PM
Post subject: Re: RE: Sonoma gay paper folds
Kyleovision wrote:
a wholesale restructuring of the so-called MSM.

I am confused... MSM?
berto - Mar 18, 2007 - 02:01 PM
Post subject:
Main-Stream Media, sweety. Smile
vanrozenheim - Mar 18, 2007 - 02:36 PM
Post subject:
'berto wrote:
Main-Stream Media, sweety. Smile

Ah, those things. I call them MMDI = Means of Mass-Des-Information.
Feral - Mar 18, 2007 - 05:27 PM
Post subject:
I swear... every time I see that acronym (every single time) I read Men who have Sex with Men. The confusion renders the discussions containing them deliciously absurd.

"In the next 10 years, expect to see a wholesale restructuring of the so-called men who have sex with men."

This is probably a true statement also Wink
Kyleovision - Mar 18, 2007 - 10:20 PM
Post subject:
Why do I feel as if, at any moment, the GHF commandos will start dropping out of trees and take me off for trial because of what I used to do for a living?

It ain't easy bein' Eichmann. Razz
Feral - Mar 19, 2007 - 03:54 AM
Post subject:
Because you are paranoid, Dear. Wink The GHF has no commandos. If it did, they would not trouble themselves over news producers.
Vizier - May 13, 2007 - 09:56 PM
Post subject: Amazement
Kyleovision wrote:
Why do I feel as if, at any moment, the GHF commandos will start dropping out of trees and take me off for trial because of what I used to do for a living?

So what did you "used to do"? Were you a journalist (as I was)? We can get over that... it just takes about a decade or two...

Loved your Eichmann line. My father was an officer in the German army during WWII. He was drafted, served at the Russian front, worked his way up to tank commander. He was incredibly lucky in that he walked home from Stalingrad to Berlin and was not picked up or shot by the Russians.

As a teenager, I often wondered if I really did know everything he had done during the war, since he rarely and only very reluctantly talked about it. I often wondered if some day some people would show up and say he had really been something completely different, a prison guard like Barbie and others or something equally heinous, and if my life as a result would be ruined.

It turned out that he told us the truth, he was who he said he was and little more was to be discovered, but I wasn't able to really reconfirm this until I moved back to Germany, where I was able to more easily do the research I needed to.

The result of the research and finding out that my life has thus far been based on truth rather than lies has been the belated realization of just how lucky my father was. Many, many German soldiers who were never members of the NSDAP or followers of Hitler and his demagogues were captured in Stalingrad and elsewhere on both fronts. Those taken by the Russians - as my father could have been - were almost all universally sent to Siberia for years in gulags. (Several uncles experienced this fate.) Many died there, others did not see their homes until the late 1950s, by which time many of their wives had had them declared dead and had remarried and founded new families with others.

The fact that he got home from Berlin unscathed, even though it apparently took about a month of walking and hitching rides wherever he and a buddy could, still amazes me. The fact that he probably saved himself by throwing his officer's coat and uniform and medals into th Elbe in what today is the Czech Republic is also amazing to me.

As I get old(er), I am more amazed by the past than the present and find there's still plenty left to learn from it.
Vizier - May 13, 2007 - 09:58 PM
Post subject:
Feral wrote:
Because you are paranoid, Dear. Wink The GHF has no commandos. If it did, they would not trouble themselves over news producers.

Not yet. As one of the leading Generals of our future Gay Republic, I am sure we will have them. I am personally also working on a few devious new weapons such as the "Pink Bomb," which will give us the authority we will need to let those other countries know we mean business, even if our some of our commandos do wear boas.
berto - May 14, 2007 - 01:44 PM
Post subject:
... even if our some of our commandos do wear boas.

LOL... and not even that scary boa constrictor type...
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