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Separatism vs. Assimilation - Assimilationist's struggle for acceptance...

vanrozenheim - Feb 28, 2007 - 12:46 PM
Post subject: Assimilationist's struggle for acceptance...
Stella Duffy describes the symptoms, but misses the point

Personally, I cringe at the gay appellation used as a job description - "lesbian writer Stella Duffy". Not everything I write is about lesbians, and, far more importantly, I don't get paid for being a lesbian (though I reckon it could be an earner - I have been practicing for years). Being a lesbian is as important, and as unimportant, to me as the fact that I have red hair, have freckles or was brought up a Catholic. At home, in my daily life, it's intrinsic, and it's nothing.

Well, I do not know what is important for her. Is it the color of her shoes? Is it the decoration of her apartment? The taste of her wine? Or simply the amount of money she earns the year? For Denneny's sake, what can be more important for your social life than the choice of your partner? Comparing sexual orientation with "hair color" is ridiculous - especially being brought up as a Catholic. Mind you, the Bible prescribes death penalty for (male) homosexuals, and I hardly dare to believe that being different wasn't perceived by her as a dramatic experience.

Ms Duffy certainly would not object the job descriptions as "British writer Stella Duffy" or "English writer Stella Duffy", because they simply describe what she is. Why is she concerned thus by "lesbian writer Stella Duffy"? Not only is she a lesbian, but also has she written some clearly lesbian stuff.

No doubt, though Stella Duffy (with some degree of bitterness) recognizes that the straights by no way are going to oversee the differences between "them" and "us" any soon, she insists on the erroneous notion that there are indeed no real difference at all. Let's be said once and for all: the only way to fit perfectly into the straight mainstream is to become straight oneselfe. Hardly a desirable goal, for me.
Kyleovision - Feb 28, 2007 - 05:17 PM
Post subject: RE: Assimilationist
This chick is a professional writer, and yet she can't see when 'the appelation' would be appropriate?

If I write a pro-gay commentary (or an anti-gay one for that matter) OF COURSE it's relevant that I'm gay. Always. Every single time. In the trade, it's called 'disclosure,' for Pity's sake.
Feral - Feb 28, 2007 - 06:35 PM
Post subject: RE: Assimilationist
Not everything I write is about lesbians, and, far more importantly, I don't get paid for being a lesbian (though I reckon it could be an earner - I have been practicing for years).

An odd statement. No... very few people get paid for being a lesbian. More than a few people get paid for being lesbian writers. There is a distinction there. I suspect that she has not, in fact, been "practicing for years" at being a lesbian writer... after all, not everything she writes is about lesbians. I wonder how much of it IS. I reckon being a lesbian writer would be an earner as well.

While I certainly do not know the author or her life, I suspect that what she has actually been practicing for years is how to "get along" with straight publishers, straight editors, straight bookstores, and straight readers. I have no reason to believe she has not developed considerable skill at it.
Vizier - Mar 17, 2007 - 05:16 PM
Post subject: RE: Assimilationist
This woman probably believes that Microsoft will pay for e-mailing people.
Rain - Apr 24, 2007 - 10:14 PM
Post subject: RE: Assimilationist
It is impossible to assimilate into a society that defines you as "other". It will never happen. It's a cute debate. But let's call it for what it either closet your mind, your soul, and your right to self-expression to fit in, or you confront the general society with your uniqueness as a gay person and let them deal with it.
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